South Central Community Bikeways Project

 South Central Community Bikeways Project

UPDATES:   May 12th, 2022 -  WWP - Community Bike Lanes - Virtual Open House Meeting

Click the link below to review the slides and information from the meeting:

To Leave Comments regarding the designs follow the link below:

Provide comments for the 3rd Ave Bike lane Design Link below

Provide comments for the Virginia/Dakota Bike Lane Design Link below

 South Central Community Bikeways Project

April 12th, 2022 -  WWP - Community Bike Lanes - Virtual Open House Meeting

Sign up to hear more about the bike lanes happening our area.

At the May 3 Virtual Open House, representatives from the city’s Neighborhood Transportation Management Program (NTMP) will be presenting an overview of NTMP and how the city is taking feedback gathered through the Community Transportation Network to respond to requests for multi-modal improvements! 

More information regarding the Virtual Open Houses, the Konveio comment periods, and other projects including the Kearney/Krameria bikeway and the E 12th Ave bikeway will be shared over the coming weeks!

…And Here’s What’s Happening in YOUR Neck of the Woods!

2022 Meeting Dates

Virtual Open House 1 - May 3 - 5:30-6:30pm

Sign up here:

N Sherman

N Delaware/5th

3rd Ave

N Emerson/Pearl

2nd Ave/N Clarkson

Virtual Open House 2 - May 12  - 5:30-6:30pm

Sign up here:

E Virginia/E Dakota

E Florida

S Sherman

S Franklin

N Emerson/Pearl

2nd Ave/N Clarkson

South Central Transportation Network: Community Resources

Office Hours:  If you have questions or would like to speak with members of the South Central CTN project team, sign up for an appointment at an upcoming office hour session. 

Group Briefings:  Request a presentation about one of the local multimodal projects for your neighborhood organization, business, or community group at 

Project Hotline:  Call our Community Transportation Networks Hotline at (303) 223-6575 and leave your name, your question about the project, and how to reach you. 

Equal Access:  If you or someone you know needs help accessing the plan due to limited access to the Internet, a disability, or is non-English speaking, contact us at