Proposed Rezoning of 61, 73, 75, 87 N. Lincoln Street

Proposed Rezoning of 61, 73, 75, 87 N. Lincoln Street - Redevelopment Project

Update:  April 8th, 2022

We received an update from the project manager of the 61-87 N Lincoln development. They let us know that they are going to be dropping the rezoning request and have figured out a way to design the building in a way that they will not need to change the zoning.

Link is to the latest renderings that we received from the owner.

Position Statement #2 - January 15th, 2022

Position Statement #1 - April 23rd, 2021

Nov. 20th, 2020   ** Important Rezoning Notice ** 1st and Lincoln (West Side)

Dear Lincoln Street Community L/BCRNO members, 

If you were able to attend out monthly meeting Wednesday night, you learned about the potential rezone of 73,75, and 87 N. Lincoln Street (1st and Lincoln). On Monday, we met with the developer and owner to get preliminary information on the project so that we can share it with you. Please see attached google slides presentation and pass along any questions you have about the rezone by commenting below. There will be two public hearings over the next several months. We will keep you up to date as we hear more!