We are connectors. We are bridge builders. We are community makers.
Amendments to the Inaugural By-Laws written on July 30th, 2020
Between March 2022 - November 2022, the L/BCRNO By-Law committee reviewed our inaugural by-laws. The committee found that the inaugural by-laws (Written in July 30th, 2020, prior to the election of the board members) contained language that was outdated. The inaugural by-laws allowed changes to the existing per the below article.
Article VII: Amendments
These articles of incorporation and by-laws may be amended at any time as such voted on by the Board of Directors/Executive Board. A quorum shall be present and the decision marked in the meeting minutes for all future records. An example of the amendment to these by-laws shall be posted and submitted to the neighborhood as record.
The committee reviewed the language and presented the revisions to the L/BCRNO board for review. At the Nov. 16th board meeting, the L/BCRNO board members approved the motion to approve the amendments to the by-laws as presented. Notification of the amended bylaws are hereby posted as record, as well as notification sent to the neighborhood via email and social media.